Ok so I told myself I would never write a blog, I just don't have time. But then I found that most days i'm on the computer looking for somthing to do, just wasting time. So I finally decided hey a blog is the way to go, journaling here I come. Now I have somewhere to post all the fun happenings of my life.
Gosh! I don't know where to begin!
Well I guess i'll start w/ the funny (or not) thing Mckenzie did tonight. I usually have a pile of stuff at the top of the stairs, going to the basement, so that each time I go down I grab a few things to take down w/ me. Today I had a few bags of flour to take down and put in the food storage. Well if any of you know my crazy kids, you know they can't leave anything alone. This is a hard lesson I learn over, and over, and over, every day, all day. So anyway, Mckenzie takes one of these bags of flour and decides to throw it down on our wood floor as hard as she can, causing the bag to burst open and spray flour EVERYWHERE. I thought it would be fun to leave the mess till Brad got home so he could see the fun-ness my kids create. Oh well, that Kenzie she is one of a kind, i'll LET her vacume it up in the morning. Gotta love the unique kiddo.
Easter Card DIY: Free Printable Kit!
2 days ago