Our life is the best life.

My family is my world! There is my husband Brad and I, and we have 1 son, and 3 girls. Zach is 6, Mckenzie is 4, Brynn is 2, and little Piper is 7 mo. We live in Jonesborough TN, while Brad works at a Nuclear plant, as a chemical engineer, I get to stay at home w/ the troops. Zach is about to go into the 1st grade, and the girls just get to hang out at home w/ me. Life is always crazy, but great too.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Never a dull moment

The things these kids do, it boggles my brain.
Today Zach thought it would be interesting to unwind a whole roll of toilet paper into the toilet to see if it would flush. Of course it didn't! Then Brynn (who is potty training) went in to go poop all by herself, she doesn't get that it's gross to go in a clogged toilet. When I went in to check on her I realized what had happened, and tried to use the plunger on it. That didn't work because there was so much TP in there, so I called Zach into the bathroom. I said "guess what, you get to scoop all this stuff out of the toilet". Needless to say he was not excited at all, and when he saw what Brynn had done he really started freaking out. Thank goodness Brad was home to supervise the cleaning out of it all, because I don't know how patient I would have been with it all. When I look back on things, (even a few minutes later) it never fails to give me a good laugh, even though it sure does make me irritated at the time.

1 comment:

  1. I'm starting to think that your blog should be called "never a dull moment" I know I would have freaked if one of my kids did that. Just think when they are older and have a house of their own we can reek havoc on their house and just blame it on dementia! Payback!
